Sacramental Preparation
St. Barnabas Catholic School helps prepare students to receive the various sacraments including Baptism (when necessary), Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. This sacramental preparation leads children on a journey through adulthood with the confidence that not only does God Cherish them as unlike any other, by the will also never leave them.
First Reconciliation & First Communion
Our second grade students prepare their hearts to receive Jesus for the first time, especially through prayer. They are guided to a deeper understanding of Christ’s true Presence in the Blessed Sacrament by attending school Mass weekly and learning about the Mass. In addition the children see and interact with our priests who assist them in deepening their knowledge and understanding of the faith.
Parents also play an important role in preparing their children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. Beginning in September, parents will receive information that is sent home with the child, and will be invited to attend meetings to learn more about their roles and responsibilities in helping their child prepare for these special occasions.
The focus for the sacrament of Reconciliation is on the unconditional love of God and his desire to forgive us when we are truly sorry and ask for His forgiveness. We use many Bible stories to help the children understand the depth of God’s love in each of us. In preparation for the Eucharist, our second graders learn the elements of the liturgy and the sacrifice of the Mass. They receive their First Holy Communion during designated Masses in the spring surrounded by their families and loved ones.
The purpose of Confirmation is to perfect in us what was begin in Baptism, receiving a grace that strengthens and deepens our faith, not only for our own needs, but for the needs of others. Confirmation is part of our comprehensive youth ministry program called Life Teen. Life Teen’s mission is to lead teens closer to Christ, and serves the high school teens of St. Barnabas. Visit the Life Teen website for more information.
If you have any questions please contact the Faith Formation Office (330) 467-7601.