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Volunteer Requirements

St. Barnabas is truly blessed to have such a vibrant and caring community who graciously volunteer their time and talents to our Parish and School. For the safety and security of our children, staff, and school, St. Barnabas supports the Diocese of Cleveland’s initiative that began years ago regarding “Protecting God’s Children”. We respectfully require that parents, guardians, grandparents, etc., and anyone who with proximity to children be VIRTUS compliant, which includes a three-hour VIRTUS training session, a background check (including fingerprinting), and ongoing training bulletins.

VIRTUS Training

VIRTUS identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right-doing” within religious organizations. The goal is to keep all of our kids safe by educating parents, teachers, coaches, and volunteers what to look out for.  The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church. VIRTUS training is free to all those who attend.  To learn more and get started, visit

Background Checks & Fingerprinting

In the interest of maintaining the safety and security of our Parish and School, we require that a background check with fingerprinting be completed by anyone who wishes to volunteer. Both are free of charge, and may be completed at the Parish Office during normal business hours. A driver’s license or photo ID are required.  Results will be sent directly to the Parish Office.

All employees and volunteers who have contact with students undergo thorough screening, including background checks through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation & Identification (BCI&I). For complete information on screening policies, see the revised Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, section 1.2 (p. 3).