Online Forms
St. Barnabas School uses FACTS to manage your child's registration information, emergency contacts, and more. FACTS is also used to collect electronic consent and acknowledgment to some of the School's Policies and Agreements. At the beginning of each school year, you will be prompted to verify the following forms in FACTS:
- Student Demographics
- Parent/Guardian Information
- Emergency Medical Authorization
- Emergency Contacts
- Consent or Refusal For Emergency Medical Treatment
- Consent and Release of Liability for Use of Student Likeness and Other Information in
- Promotional Materials and Media
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Google Acceptable Use Policy
- Chromebook Use Policy
- Extended Day Program Enrollment
- Parent - Student Handbook
- Tuition Policy
- Instructions for Accessing Reenrollment Forms in FACTS
FACTS Parent Forms
All parents/guardians are required to verify all family information and Complete the Enrollment Packet (back to school forms) in FACTS. To access the forms:
Log into the FACTS Family Portal:
- Go to
- Select Parent Log In from the menu bar and FACTS Family Portal from the drop-down menu. SBCS-OH is our District Code.
- Type in your username and password
- Click Apply/Enroll from the left menu
- Click on the Enrollment / Reenrollment link
- Click Click here to open Enrollment on the main screen
The Online Enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet for each student. If you completed this information last year, the process will be quick as most information will be already populated for your student(s) and family. Your information will be saved if you need to quit and come back later.
Creating a New Login
For new families who don’t already have a FACTS account login, follow these steps to create a new Family Portal Login, then follow the steps above to access the Reenrollment Forms:
- Go to
- Select Parent Log In from the menu bar and FACTS Family Portal from the drop-down menu.
- After the FACTS Family Portal Login screen opens, please select Create New Family Portal Account.
- Enter (SBCS-OH) into the District Code field.
- Enter in the Email field your email address as provided in your application to the school.
- Click the Create Account button.
You will receive an email from FACTS SIS Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes the link will remain active for 6 hours.
Please click on the link. A Change/Create Password screen will open. You may use the default username provided, or create a new username. Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm Field.
Click on the Save Username and/or Password button.
Close the window.
Kindergarten Forms
The following forms are required by the Ohio Department of Health for all incoming kindergarteners. You should receive hard copies of these in your welcome packet in the spring and they are due before the first day of school in August.