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2025 CYO Schedule

Come cheer on our Blazers! Click here for the Winter 2025 CYO Schedule. 

CYO & Rugrat Athletics

As one of the larger parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland, St. Barnabas offers many sports for students and parishioners in grades K-8. CYO sports begin in grade 2 We offer “rugrat” sports for K-1 that are focused more on instructional-based scrimmages.

• Registering multiple children from the same family automatically will receive a discount at check-out.
• In addition to the registration fee for an individual sport, there is a one-time fee per academic school year per family.
• A $50 late fee will be applied for any late registrations (if space is available)
• Requests for withdrawals and refunds will be processed through the first official day of practice per CYO.
• All players must submit a physical exam form to their Head Coach by the first practice. A player cannot participate in a sport until a physical exam form is received. Physical exam
forms are valid for 13 months from the date of the doctor’s signature. A copy of the form can be found here:

CYO Physical Exam Form

St. Barnabas spirit wear is available for both athletes and their fans from Prime Time Sports 

Spirit Wear Shop

Please visit the SportsPilot website to register your children (this will only be open during registration periods).

 Register Online   

Registration questions? Contact Jeff Brasdovich at

Current offerings include (but are subject to change based on interest):


  • Cheerleading (grades 1-8)
  • Cross Country (grades 1-8)
  • Developmental Flag Football (K)
  • Flag Football - (1-4)
  • Padded Flag Football (4th)
  • Rookie Tackle Football (grades 5-6)
  • Tackle Football (grades 7-8)
  • Instructional Golf (grades1-8)*
  • Soccer (grades 2-8)
  • Rugrat Soccer (grades K-1)
  • Volleyball (girls grades 2-8)


  • Developmental Basketball (grades 1-2)
  • Basketball (grades 3-8)
  • Cheerleading (grades 1-8)


  • Instructional Golf (grades 1-8)*
  • Track & Field (grades 2-8)
  • Rugrat Track & Field (grades K-1)
  • Developmental Lacrosse (K-2)
  • Cheerleading - Spring Clinic (grades K-4) *new cheerleaders only

The goal of the CYO sports organization is to provide young people in our Diocese the opportunity to experience spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional growth through participation in a variety of sports in a competitive arena through four key areas.

Inclusiveness - CYO Athletics shall foster the development of inclusive communities with God as their center through the acceptance, uniqueness, and appreciation of every athlete as a player on God's team.

Spirituality - CYO Athletics shall enhance the spiritual development of CYO athletes through their participation in a pre-game prayer, a post-game prayer, Team Mass Sunday, and teaching our Faith through our example.

Dignity - CYO Athletics shall contribute to the dignity of each athlete by accepting one another through compassion, respect, patience, kindness, humility, and understanding.

Service - CYO Athletics shall nurture a spirit of selfless service by providing opportunities and challenges to children as they learn about themselves and others by becoming more productive members in their parishes and communities.

• Windmill Golf Center is located at 1511 E. Aurora Rd., Macedonia
• Weekly lessons taught by a PGA Teaching Professional
• Golf clubs are not required but encouraged by the Windmill team (even if it’s only one club). Windmill has a limited selection of used clubs that can be borrowed.
•Up to 18 golf registrations per age group.
• With this instructional league being run through Windmill Golf Center,
there is no sibling discount for multiple children from the same family.