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Coin War - All Proceeds Benefit School Bathroom Renovations

Category: Saint Barnabas School Main Calendar

Date: November 25, 2024 12:00 AM - November 27, 2024 12:00 AM

Participation open to Grades Pre K - 8

Each class has a container to drop pennies and dollars in between 11/18 - 11/26.  Each penny is worth a point.    $1 - add 100 points.  $5 - add 500 points.  $10 - add 1,000 points.  $20 - add 2,000 points.  Whichever grade has the most points wins! But . . . classes can sabotage each other and try to DEDUCT points by dropping any silver coin into the container.  Quarter - subtract 25 points.  Dime - subtract 10 points.  Nickel - subtract 5 points. The winning class prize will be voted on by the students.